Dear All,

Our friend and colleague, Prof Rui Krause, passed away suddenly this morning [Saturday, 14 September 2024].  We are still in shock and disbelief and doing whatever we can to support his family, research group and colleagues in the Department of Chemistry. Rui was a pillar of the Rhodes Community and the warm heart of our natural products research community.  He was kind and generous to a fault and his passing is a devastating loss to us all.

I know you will join me in offering our sincere condolences to Rui's family, students and colleagues. 


A Tribute to Rui

"Dear Rhodes University Community,

On Saturday 14th September, Rui Krause passed away, survived by his wife and daughters, and leaving behind a grieving community of students and staff who will never be the same again. His career before Rhodes University, and in the decade since joining Rhodes University, were marked with excellent science and the forging of many deep friendships. To each one of you, his friends and colleagues, we convey our condolences.

There are many words that come to mind when I think of Rui: love, kindness, humility, intellect, and generosity of spirit. His love for people was boundless, and he showed this through the immense care he gave to his students, many of whom travelled from far and wide to study under him. He treated everyone with equal respect, regardless of their background or status, never standing on ceremony. Rui was approachable, warm, and always had time to offer guidance, even when his own plate was overflowing.

Rui had a remarkable ability to balance both heart and mind, seamlessly blending his deep faith with a rigorous commitment to science. His intellect was vast, and I often marvelled at how he could know so much about so many things. And yet, despite his brilliance, Rui remained humble. He spoke to everyone, no matter their position, with the same care and respect, always willing to help and uplift others, often placing their needs above his own. His kindness towards students was remarkable, and each one can tell a story of his generosity and compassion.

His sense of humour, often that of a classic "Dad joke," never failed to lighten the mood. That humour was just one of the many ways Rui connected with those around him, drawing people in with his warmth and openness. His humanity touched everyone who knew him, and his entrepreneurial drive, coupled with a deep love for books, reflected his constant pursuit of knowledge and betterment.

In Rui, we found not just a colleague but a dear friend. His memory will live on in the lives of all those he touched – in the students he mentored, the colleagues he inspired, and the countless others who were fortunate enough to know him.

Rui was, and will always be, a man of faith, of science, and above all, of love."

Written on behalf of the Department of Chemistry (by Vincent Smith and Rosa Klein and issued by the Division of Communication and Advancement on behalf of the Faculty of Science at Rhodes University.

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